This is an optional section that is designed to get you used to the controls and how the game functions. You can ignore it without issue if you're used to Telltale's adventure games, but you might want to give it a go anyway.
First off you'll be asked to walk over to Gromit and to click on him, he'll then indicate towards a broken chess piece on the table in front of him which you'll need to click on as well.
Pick up the two items in the room, the cheese on the table and the Pepper Shaker on the end table next to the door.
Walk over to the dining table again and open up the Inventory and click on that Pepper Shaker you just picked up. With it selected in the top right corner you can use it with other things, click on the Chessboard to replace that broken Bishop.
Act 1 - Breakfast Wrangler
We start the main part of the game off controlling Gromit. Since Wallace is wanting his breakfast you'll need to bring him downstairs, you can do this by pulling the lever next to the door.
Grab the honey from the tap behind Wallace. You can give it to him straight away, you don't need to have the whole breakfast ready at once.
There's nothing more to do in the dining room right now so click on the door handle to head into the hallway. Collect the post and then go back into the dining room. After giving the post to Wallace you'll need to take the badger from the wheel.
Next go back into the hallway then walk towards the screen past the staircase. Go into the door on the left and into the kitchen.
Use the toaster to try and make some toast, unfortunately a squirrel will steal it from you. It will however leave some footprints behind. Open up the refrigerator in the far corner and pick up the butter inside. Use this butter on the footprints and then make some more toast.
Turn the dial in the corner to Tap and then push the red button next to the fridge. Unfortunately it won't quite work, so use the badger, from the dining room when you delivered the post, on the wire to complete the mechanism. Press the button again to reset the boxing glove and then once more to fry the egg properly.
With all of the parts of the breakfast complete you can give them to Wallace and finish off this first act.
Act 2 - Ton o' Honey
Pick up the flowers on the table to the left as well as the remote on the shelf a bit further left. Use the flowers you picked up on the pollenator to feed the bees a bit.
Head up the stairs and into the hallway where you'll be given another flyer. Go into the kitchen and try and get a teabag out of the cupboard, it'll be stolen by a squirrel like the toast before. Pick up the cold toast on the other side of the room and then go upstairs to Wallace's bedroom.
Pick up the cheese on the bedside table and then head back downstairs again and go out the front door.
Go over to the fence and talk to Miss Flitt, she'll give you a packet of daisy seeds free of charge. Take those seeds and use them on the patch of dirt next to the gate. With your new task of creating some Growth Formula Wallace heads off into the street.
Talk to Major Crum who's sitting on the bench next to a Bus Stop. Click on the jar that he sets down next to him and then pick up the snail after he's stopped talking again.
Continue down the street and you'll reach the High Street. Talk to Mr. Paneer to get a map, if you look at the map in your Inventory you can use it to quickly get to places. There's no need at the moment, instead pick up a bit of free cheese next to Mr. Paneer.
Continue onwards to the right and approach the Newsagents. Click on the ledge outside the window above the door. Pick up the yellow flowers from the newspaper stand and then talk to Mrs. Gabberley.
She'll ask you for some words, a verb, a thing, a descriptive word, and another thing. You can get them by clicking on the various items of her shop, they all fit each part so you can click whichever. However what you're actually trying to do is not to insult Mr. Gabberley but to compliment him. You can do anything for the first two words but the last two should be Mild and Gentleman. You get these off the Mouth Melters and the pocket watch advert.
Take the purple flowers and continue onwards down the street to the Police Station. Go past Constable Dibbins and to the side of the building where there's a window into the jail. Throw in one of your cheeses and then exit the screen.
Click on the Constable's hat and he'll take it off for a moment. In that moment you need to use your remaining cheese on the hat before he puts it back on again. Click on the petition next to the front door of the Police Station to get Dibbins to go inside and interrogate the prisoner.
This next bit depends on which cheese went where. Select the remote from your Inventory (it was found in the basement) and select the cheese that you put into Dibbin's hat. Next you'll need to get it to go towards the cheese underneath the cot, so select that one. And finally select Rotterdam, you don't have any of this so the Sniffer 3000 will shake its head.
That's the Energides sorted. Head back to the house again and show the snail to Felicity. This should scare her and bring Major Crum running into the house. Now, throw some toast at Nutter the Squirrel that should be sitting in the tree holding a tea bag.
Use your purple flowers on the patch nearest you, the one with the seed packet on a stick. Then talk to Felicity again to get her to drop the Strongium tea bag.
Head inside and look in the umbrella stand next to the front door, inside you should find some Dog Tags. Now go downstairs to find Major Crum. Head over to the far right and start the record player, this should distract the bees allowing you to grab the lid on the Bee Hive.
Give Major Crum the lid and the dog tags. Talk to Gromit to get him to look after the Grotein Bars for the Major, you'll then need to ask Gromit for a bar. Once you've got it head upstairs and into the kitchen. Use the Energides, the Grotein and the Strongium on the Mix-o-Matic at the end of the kitchen to make the Muscle Forumla.
Pick the daisies and then go back down to the basement. Use the flowers on the Pollenator to finish the act.
Act 3 - Buzz Cutter
Back as Gromit again. Go out of the dining room and go up to Wallace's bedroom. Pick up the Tennis Racket next to the bedside table and then go back downstairs again.
Go into the kitchen and after Wallace returns pick up the Answering Machine and the Frying Pan off the cooker. Head outside the front. Approach the garden gnomes, click on the one with the sign to make the pond appear and give the Tennis Racket to the other one. You'll also want to go and talk to Miss Flitt up in the tree, she'll give you an SOS note for Wallace.
Head down to the High Street. Grab a free sample of cheese off the floor and then go over to the Newsagents. Play Mrs. Gabberley the message off the Answering Machine and she'll shut her shop.
Continue along and scratch at the Police Station door, Constable Dibbins should drop a piece of Gorgonzola out of his hat (even if you put Wensleydale in there).
Now, to set a trap for some bees you'll now need to use the Frying Pan on the support stick of the awning above the shop. Run back to Mr. Paneer's shop and rattle the drainpipe to the left of it. This should scare the bees and they'll fall into your trap. If the frying pan goes off too soon you can go and reset it and the awning.
Go back inside the house and into the dining room. Pull the lever and you'll trap the bee that went to sleep in Wallace's bedroom. Walk over to Major Crum and talk to him to take charge of the porridge gun.
First fire it at the shed door on the right, this will trigger the Techno Trousers to start mowing the lawn, they'll stop partway. Fire at the bee that flies above it and then hit the trousers again. This will trap it in the shed.
Next, shoot the rubbish bin which will cause the lid to fly into the fence. Shoot the tree that Felicity is hanging onto the lure out that squirrel. Again shoot a bee into the bin and then shoot the squirrel. He should cause the bin lid to flip back onto the bin trapping the bee.
Finally, shoot the remaining bee so that it falls into the pond. Hit the gnome with the stop sign and the bee will flip into the Tennis Racket you gave to the other gnome and then straight into the tree. Job done.
Head back upstairs to Wallace's room and take the record off the record player up there. Go downstairs and search through the clothes that Wallace left behind earlier, pick up the remote for the Sniffer 3000. Now head out the back and drop one of your cheeses down the hole onto the bee hive below.
Go down into the basement and use the remote to bring the Sniffer 3000 over to you, you do that be selecting whichever cheese it is that you have left with the remote. Jump into the mouse and tell it to go to the cheese you dropped down onto the hive.
Once you're on top use the lullaby record on the record player and all the bees will go to sleep.
Go into the kitchen and talk to Wallace to finish off this act.
Act 4 - Queenly Bearing
Driving a van now as Gromit again, examine the dashboard and turn on the Autopilot by clicking on that green light. Look in the glove box and take out the handle from inside. Press the middle of the three buttons to open the sun roof. Climb up through the sun roof and use the crank on the ladder control box on top of the van.
Climb back into the van and start the wipers by pressing the left of the three buttons. Climb back onto the roof and grab the feather from the wipers. Then climb onto the ladder and use the feather to tickle the bee.
Don't bother shooting her, cancel out to Wallace in the van. Use the Growth Formula on the hatch outside the window. Look at the dashboard again and switch the radio until the bee starts laughing. Look in the sights to get back to shooting.
Simply fire a single shot into the Queen Bee's mouth when she laughs at the radio to finish the game.