Just the Clicks
- Pull lever.
- Pick up eavesdropper.
- Go outside.
- Use eavesdropper.
- Go into town.
- Try to take envelope.
- Look at boxes.
- Use jar on feeding tray next door.
- Pick up jar.
- Use jar with boxes of jars.
- Pick up scissors in dining room.
- Use scissors on newspaper.
- Use picture on magazine at Newsagents.
- Walk to entrance.
- Walk to behind snooker table.
- Walk to corner by five paintings.
Gold Key
- Use Tee Time Bell.
- Pick up Red Club.
- Use club on front line.
- Use club on Duncan's club.
- Pick up Blue Club.
- Use club on front line.
- Use club on Duncan's club.
- Pick up Yellow Club.
- Use club on back line.
- Use key on lock.
Silver Key
- Use Tee-Hee Time Bell.
- Open clock.
- Use music box in corner.
- Use key on lock.
Porcelain Key
- Take milk from Dining Room.
- Give milk to Mrs. Gabberley.
- Use Driver on jar.
- Give Driver to Dibbins.
- Use Driver on snooker ball.
- Use key on lock.
Short Hole
- Take Wallace sign from scoreboard.
- Show sign to Paneer at house.
- Turn on radio in Dining Room.
- Go into sewer.
- Climb out.
- Click on fan.
- Go into sewer.
- Tell Wallace to use Ganges Grip.
Long Hole
- Turn valve in sewer.
- Ring Tee-Hee Time Bell.
- Take Joke Book.
- Show Joke Book to Paneer at house.
- Take Measuring Club.
- Take stamp from Dining Room.
- Use Measuring Club on tree over fence.
- Use stamp on ball at long shot spot.
- Use golf clubs.
- Go into the house.
- Use golf clubs.
- Throw mushroom at hole.
- Use golf clubs.
Sand Trap
- Major Crum
- Mr. Paneer
- Duncan
- Major Crum
- Mr. Paneer
- Constable Dibbins
- Mrs. Gabberley
- Prudence Flitt
- Felicity Flitt
- Duncan, Crum
- Paneer
- Wallace
- Mrs. Gabberley
- Constable Dibbins
- Felicity
- Duncan
- Crum
- Paneer
- Wallace
- Felicity
- Dibbins
- Prudence
- Duncan
- Crum
- Paneer
- Wallace
- Pick up Ball Washer.
- Use Measuring Club on Chomping Gate.
- Use Ball Washer on Tea Time Bell.
- Pick up Measuring Club.
- Use Measuring Club on pendulum.
- Open door.