We start the game as Gromit once again. Simply follow the path towards Wallace and go right. Pass by a circuit breaker on the wall and you'll find the spanner lying on the ground. Take this back to Wallace and use it on him.
Attempt to get to the circuit breaker you just passed, unfortunately you won't make it and the tables will sink into the water. Climb into the green float and you'll find that you can move around on the water now. Go into the opposite corner of the basement to pick up a canister of rocket fuel.
Next you'll need to go over to the sparking plug socket near the stairs, not the one at the bottom of the stairs but the one over water. Use the rocket fuel on it to propel Gromit into the circuit breaker.
Chapter 1 - Ocean Notion
In control of Wallace now you'll not really find anything in the garden so go over to the front gate and attempt to leave. This will lead to Duncan McBiscuit appearing carrying a beach umbrella, something that you may have noticed is on Wallace's list.
For now you should head into town and ignore Duncan and Miss Flitt. Click on the boxes of Stilton Cheese outside of Mr. Paneer's shop, Wallace's tummy will grumble. Then click on the sign next to Mr. Paneer and he will tell you of a delivery of Stilton that he's sent to Wallace's house. You may also want to inquire about the giant lamp, unfortunately he's holding out for good weather.
Go over to the Newsagents and ask Mrs. Gabberley for a copy of the Weekly Weather Forecast from the selection of magazines above her. You might as well hold on before going to talk to Dibbins and Major Crum who are arguing over some sand bags. Instead take the magazine and show it to Mr. Paneer. This should convince him that there's no chance of good weather later on and he'll hand over his giant lamp when you click on it next.
Go back to West Wallaby Street and talk to Miss Flitt over the fence. When they both crane to listen out for thunder have Wallace crave the boxes of Stilton next to the front door.
Once Duncan has left you're free to pick up the umbrella. Next you should take the order form from off the wall and head back into town. Time to sort out the argument. You can side with either of the two but you won't get any where, you'll just go round in circles. Instead when they ask you to decide, click on the poster on the wall behind them.
Major Crum will then require you to give him your Order Form and he'll drive off to deliver the sand. Go back home to finish the act by tipping the sand into the basement - just click on it.
Chapter 2 - The Guest House Mutiny
This section requires you to sort out the problems of everybody in the house. Talk to Mr. Paneer to get an idea of what he needs to be happy. He is currently being annoyed by Duncan destroying his sand castle just before completion.
Major Crum is perfectly happy but he's having trouble with a military re-enactment. This will require some boulders, some vultures, and some tea.
Miss Flitt is also happy but if you click on the magazine next to her you'll find out that she wants a new look, the picture should give you an idea of what to look for.
Head towards the stairs but just before going up them you'll want to take a look at the sound box on the wall. Switch it to Seaside Songbirds for the Major.
If you enter the kitchen you'll be given some tea by Gromit. Next go into the living room where you'll find Constable Dibbins. Talk to him to get a Formal Caution for Miss Flitt.
Pick up a ball of wool from the pile in the corner. Then switch the Souvenir Photographs by turning the dial on the left of it until you get to a scene with a blue and white flag. Take that flag for Miss Flitt's new look.
Next it's the dining room where Mrs. Gabberley is sitting. To cheer her up you'll have to click on the various items on the table. Just match the correct response to her comments:
- Q: I'd go home to Mr Gabberley but there's no point. Won't get no sympathy from 'im indoors, will ah?
- A: Romance novel.
- Q: I should count me blessings. At least me new hat fits. That's something, isn't it?
- A: The sign.
- Q: Am I making sense? D'ou catch me drift?
- A: Glass.
- Q: What do I know! I'm going soft in the head, aren't I?
- A: The knife.
- Q: Yer in a right mess you are Winnie Gabberley and no mistake! What do do, what to do?
- A: Cup of tea.
- Q: It's not just me, is it? What do you think of Duncan McBiscuit?
- A: The cheese.
- A: Cheese crumbs.
- Q: It's a sorry old world, i'n't it? Thanks to the bullies.
- A: Cheese crumbs.
- Q: 'Appen I may be knockin' on. Too old for a beach holiday, tha's for sure.
- A: The daisy.
Eventually she'll sit up fully and get over it. Leave the dining room and head upstairs to Wallace's room. Pick up the sunglasses from the table next to the bed and then go back down to the cellar to give all the items to the correct people.
First give the tea and the balls of wool to Major Crum. His re-enactment should now go without a hitch provided you've turned the sound the Songbirds. Once he falls asleep you'll want to take the soldier and take it over to the sand castle.
Ask about each part until you find the Tower of Groceries. Then use the soldier on that part ready for Duncan to attempt to smash it. With Mr Paneer now happy you've just got Constable Dibbins to sort out.
Give the sunglasses and the flag to Miss Flitt to complete her new look. Once she's disguised you should give her the Formal Caution, this will get her to go find her dogs and as they don't recognise her they'll continue to misbehave when she gets there. One happy Constable.
Chapter 3 - Hounds of Horror
For this chapter you'll be playing as Gromit once again. Go over to the yellow bucket and take it off Duncan's head. Then use your toy shovel to dig him out.
In the accusation stage the ones you want to indicate to are Miss Flitt's two dogs Poodgie-Woo and Tinkie-Wee. You can accuse anybody else you like but you'll have to keep accusing until you accuse the dogs.
After that you can point to anybody you like for the motive, weapon or witness, you won't get anywhere and everybody will leave to sit around the house for a while. To get back into the accusation simply plug the machine back into the wall whist the Constable is in the room.
No need to do that now though, you don't have any evidence yet.
Talk to Constable Dibbins and indicate that he should question Major Crum. Follow him into the kitchen and listen to their conversation. Pick up the sketch of the spies and the little hat that Major Crum puts on the side.
Go upstairs next and jump out of the window, all the other exits are blocked off by police tape. Pick an orange flower from next door, identical to that which Miss Flitt has in her hair currently.
Head into town and go to the Newsagents. Mr Gabberley should be able to help you choose the new edition of Fashion Now! To get back inside the house you need to use the pond swivel by clicking on the gnome.
To the living room now. Go over to Miss Flitt and give her the magazine as well as the hat that Major Crum found. This should allow you to select the same outfit that Major Crum saw the spies wearing. Click on the dressing up kit and select the sailor hats you gave her, the trendy glasses that are now in fashion, and the bandanna. Right click to exit and the dogs will run in to get dressed up.
Go over to the candyfloss machine next to Mr Paneer and take one. Next go upstairs whilst the dogs are distracted. Fix the mattress several times until the spring is at the front. Then go and observe the sign to camouflage yourself.
In come the two little dogs and they'll start bouncing on the bed. Quickly press the button to tilt the bed and take their toy bone that will get caught on the spring.
Go and get Constable Dibbins to question Mrs. Gabberley next, then follow him down there. Chat with her and Duncan and he'll start to remember. To ignite his memory of the chew toy you can either use the chew toy on him or pull the lever on the Punch and Judy show.
Next he'll need candyfloss and then the flower you picked from outside. He'll finally remember the weapon, the supper gong mallet! Go back upstairs and the dogs will take the mallet into the living room where Mr Paneer will unwittingly take it.
To get it you'll need to send Constable Dibbins in to question Mr Paneer, during the questioning he'll put the candyfloss with the mallet inside it down. Grab it and head back to the dining room.
Plug the Deduct-o-Matic into the wall and get solving. For the motive you should give Wallace the chew toy. For the weapon give him the mallet and for the witness point to Major Crum. If the dogs are dressed correctly he will recognise them and the chapter will conclude.
Chapter 4 - Down the Drain
A very quick chapter. Row until you get into range of a yellow bucket, then use the ninja starfish inside and throw one at the lever on the Punch and Judy show next to Duncan. This will calm down the dogs enough so that you can throw another starfish at the bone on top of the umbrella.
Throw another starfish at a canister of rocket fuel on the side to knock it into the water. Pick it up and then use it on the sparking Deduct-o-Matic helmet.