Just the Clicks
- Pick up bunny rabbit in cellar.
- Give rabbit to Twitch.
- Inspect van.
- Pick up crank.
- Use crank with bucket of paint.
- Use crank with van.
- Go outside.
- Head into town.
- Pick up sign-up sheet from fountain.
- Give sheet to Mrs. Gabberley.
- Give sheet to Major Crum.
- Drop biscuit on dirt patch to right.
- Use lever on van.
Mr. Paneer
- Go back to town.
- Look in bin.
- Count gumballs.
- Go back to fair.
- Click on guessing machine.
- Turn numbers to match.
- Pull lever.
- Go behind Fortune Teller.
- Switch top to "YOUR HAIR"
- Switch middle to "COULD BE MISTAKEN FOR".
- Switch bottom to "PIRATES GOLD".
- Press button.
Pie Baking Contest
- Go back to town.
- Pick up bird seed.
- Go back home.
- Bake potato pie.
- Go back to fair.
- Fry pie.
- Use bird seed to beat chicken.
- Use fish on van.
- Give Muzzle pie.
- Give Muzzle ice cream.
- Shoot pistol.
- Use mug.
- Shoot pistol.
- Pick up key.
- Use key on door.
Security Chicken
- Go up ladder.
- Drop seed by chicken.
- Pick up spanner.
- Drop spanner on dirt patch.
- Pick up fortune cookie.
- Use cookie on Twitch.
- Pick up fortune cookie.
- Drop cookie on dirt patch.
- Pick up spanner.
- Pick up bucket of grease.
- Climb ladders.
- Use spanner on vent.
- Use grease on Twitch.
- Use fortune teller.
- Give "duty" fortune to Paneer.
- Pick up pile of dishes.
- Give dishes to Crum.
- Go into town.
- Pick up balloon.
- Go back to fair.
- Give balloon to Crum.
- Climb through sunroof.
- Use gumball on hatch.
- Climb down.
- Press Churn button.
- Pull lever.
- Climb through sunroof.
- Pick up crank.
- Climb down.
- Use crank on wheel.
- Throw bird seed at Muzzle.
- Press Serve button.
- Pick up arm.
- Use arm on bag.
- Use bag on fan.
- Pick up tank.
- Use tank on moustache.