Just the Clicks
- Pick up spanner.
- Use spanner on Wallace.
- Walk towards circuit breaker.
- Jump in float.
- Pick up red canister.
- Use canister on sparks.
- Leave for town.
- Click on cheese sign.
- Return home.
- Talk to neighbours.
- Crave cheese.
- Borrow umbrella.
- Choose Weekly Weather Forecast at Newsagents.
- Give forecast to Mr Paneer.
- Ask about light.
- Take orders from wall after cheese delivery.
- Talk to Dibbins and Crum.
- Click on large poster behind them.
- Give Crum orders.
- Return home.
- Click on sand.
Mr Paneer
- Switch ambient sound to Seabirds.
- Get tea from Gromit in kitchen.
- Pick up wool in living room.
- Give tea to Major Crum.
- Give wool to Major Crum.
- Take toy soldier.
- Put toy soldier on Tower of Groceries.
Constable Dibbins
- Take Formal Caution from Dibbins.
- Take Flag off photograph scenery.
- Find Sunglasses in bedroom.
- Give sunglasses to Miss Flitt.
- Give flag to Miss Flitt.
- Give Formal Caution to Miss Flitt.
Mrs Gabberley
- Talk to Mrs Gabberley.
- Go home to Mr Gabberley - Romance novel.
- Count blessings - Sign.
- Making sense - Glass.
- Soft in the head - Knife.
- Right mess - Cup of tea
- Think of Duncan McBiscuit - Cheese/Crumbs.
- Bullies - Crumbs.
- Too old - Daisy.
- Use plastic shovel on bucket.
- Accuse the dogs.
- Select witness (or anything).
- Indicate Major Crum (or anyone).
Memory Loss
- Get Candyfloss from living room.
- Jump out of window in bedroom.
- Pick flower.
- Tap gnome.
- Talk to Duncan.
- Pull lever on Punch & Judy.
- Give Candyfloss.
- Give flower.
- After Memory go upstairs.
- Ask Constable Dibbins to question Mr Paneer.
- Follow him.
- Take mallet.
- Get dogs to get changed.
- Go upstairs when distracted.
- Fix springs until one at the front.
- Hide next to sign.
- Press button.
- Ask Dibbins to question Major Crum.
- Follow him.
- Take hat from side.
- Jump out bedroom window.
- Take fashion magazine from Newsagents.
- Tap gnome in garden.
- Give hat to Miss Flitt.
- Give magazine to Miss Flitt.
- Click on dress-up kit.
- Choose bandanna.
- Choose sailor hats.
- Choose trendy glasses.
- Plug Deduct-o-Matic in.
- Select Weapon.
- Give mallet to Wallace.
- Select Motive.
- Give chew toy to Wallace.
- Point at Major Crum.
Down the Drain
- Pick up yellow bucket.
- Throw starfish at Punch & Judy.
- Throw starfish at chew toy on umbrella.
- Throw starfish at canister.
- Use canister with helmet.